Wednesday, July 13, 2005

7/13/05 Empire of Dreams

I woke up this morning and for some reason turned on A&E. They had a 2 hour show called Star Wars: Empire of Dreams on. It was a documentary on the making of Star Wars. Good stuff.

In the news today - Sprint, Nextel one step closer to creating world's suckiest phone company.

Center stage of a divorce - An online game account.

Here's some article on how your mind perceives time.

I sucked at writing in high school. If you want to be technical about it, I've sucked at writing my whole life. But high school comes to mind when you mention analogies. I was about as bad at writing analogies as the bubonic plague was for the people or Europe. (Didja catch the lame irony there?). Anyways I'm proving my point about sucky writing right now. Ok, here's a page of horrible analogies. (Click cancel if you get a pop up box).

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