Monday, September 20, 2004


I've fought the idea of making this page into a blog for a long, long time. I guess it's the fact that I believe that it's really not a blog, but a unique list of things I learn everyday.

But in honor of Nacho Independence Day (October 2nd, in case you may have forgotten) I am going to Mexico. And this will be the only way to post updates while I'm gone. So, we'll consider this a little trial and see how it works.

All previous facts can be found at And now you can post comments about these facts, so go for it.

Also, return to when you're finished.


Anonymous said...

I don't like lime green.

Anonymous said...

A tag-team haiku to commemorate your transition:

bloggers world-wide
welcome you with open arms:
you're now one of us!

though, i am not one.
but i'm sure nevertheless,
that's what they would say.

Anonymous said...

Can you enable RSS feeds, please? Thanks!