Twenty years later, it was pretty spot on. I mean, it's not exact. You could argue that most of what we have today is even better. You'd think we'd be a lot happier with this Jetson's world we live in though. I mean, we have free video calling and nobody really uses it.
What I wish they had told me was the crummy parts about being an adult. There needs to be a new campaign. One that lets you know what it's really going to be like in 20 years...
- Have you ever gone out for 2 beers on a Friday that gave you a hangover until Sunday? You will....
- Have you ever gone for a walk on the beach and pulled a hamstring for no reason? You will...
- Have you ever shit so hard that part of your insides come out... For a good week and a half of bleeding, chafing anus pain where you have to limp into the doctor's office and have hemorrhoids explained to you? You will...
- Have you ever woken up at 3:30am because you bladder won't make it until morning? You will...
- Have you ever sat around and thought, "What the hell happened to my life?" You will...