Friday, April 29, 2005

4/29/05 Cool Coincidences

I stumbled across a website called Cool Coincidences. My favorite is from Stephen Hawking:
"If the density of the universe one second after the Big Bang had been greater by one part in a thousand billion, the universe would have recollapsed after ten years. On the other hand, if the density of the universe at that time had been less by the same amount, the universe would have been essentially empty when it was about ten years old. "

While we're talking science, I also found The Hairy Ball Theorem. "The hairy ball theorem of algebraic topology states that, in layman's terms, "one cannot comb the hair on a ball smooth"."

A list of every Beavis and Butthead Episode ever made. The videos they watched are included. Additional commentary is also posted - Like every time they had to remove a scene because some dumbass kid set something on fire and blamed the show.

A couple of weeks back Google integrated the satellite images with their mapping software. Now there's a Google Map Scavenger Hunt. They post a picture of some location in the US and then post hints. You have to find the exact location using Google maps and submit your answer. If I wasn't at work, I'd be playing.

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