Wednesday, March 14, 2007

3/14/07 Who Poop Last?

How was your Pi Day? Did you make sure to watch the movie "Pi" at exactly 3:14 pm? Uh, yeah... umm... err... neither did I.


I was watching "Robot Chicken" and they had a spoof on Japanese game shows. Their show was called "Who Poop Last?" This got me thinking - Hey, I bet YouTube has real Japanese game shows. (As you've noticed by now, this happens a few times a week... The "I bet YouTube has...." realization.)

So in no particular order, here's some of what I found:
  • Guys trying to say tongue twisters and when they don't they get whacked in the nuts.
  • Six guys in a library playing a sad game of chance.
  • A classroom of students watching some poor guy trying to speak English - And whenever they laugh at the video, they get whacked in the ass. (In the spirit of Veronica "so hot, want to touch the heinie" Vaughn, you don't pick on someone trying to read. But I'll admit that I laughed when the guy was counting.)

Putting the bible to shame, 12 millions copies of Harry Potter 7 are being printed.

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