Thursday, September 06, 2007

9/6/07 We All Love Pudding

You know how older songs had to cover up any sexual words with subtle innuendo? I can't think of a whole lot of examples right now. But songs like "Good Golly Miss Molly" seem to be all about banging Molly. If you can help with a few better examples, I'd appreciate it.

Well, I'm going to blow the lid off of a song you all know. Since I'm convinced that it's all about a bunch of dudes looking for, uh, you know what. The song is "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". If you look at the lyrics, other than continually wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, what else do they say? Two things: "Bring us some figgy pudding". And "We won't go until we get some." While I'm sure that "Figgy pudding" is good, there's no way it's THAT good. Ever since I sang that song as a kid, I always kind of assumed that "figgy pudding" we some part of the female anatomy. And, well, "We won't go until we get some" is just plain obvious. Oh, and next time you hear that song being caroled around town? You're welcome.


How's your fantasy football team? Did you follow this advice?


We're going to play "Name That Tune". I bet you can't name that tune within 2.5 minutes:


Turn around, Bright Eyes. Part II:


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