Wednesday, August 15, 2007

8/15/07 WikiScanner

Do you ever wonder who's been updating Wikipedia? Now you know. You know who changed what when. (Thanks, Mike).


I know where next year's Superbowl party is: UC Irvine. With their newest 200 million pixel TV.


More "Shut yer pie hole" files: Just shut up and pay your phone bill.


Do you like countdown lists? Then you'll like the Top 50 Top 50 Lists.


Old and busted: Guitar Hero. New hotness: Rock Band.


Let's just stay video game and go old school... With one of my favorites - Baseball Stars.


While we're at it, how about 100 NES games? (Personally I had 2 distinct reactions while watching this - 1) More than half of the games I didn't remotely recognize. 2) I'd get all giddy when I did see one I recognized. Oh and there's a 3rd - I started thinking of other games I'd like to see on the video. Like T&C Surf Design.

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