Wednesday, October 12, 2005

10/12/05 Take a Whiff

A chain of events has led to facts that I would have otherwise never learned. Link one in the chain of events - I got a job last month. Link two - I have to drive 20 miles each way. Link three I now listen to crappy morning radio shows. It has become apparent that my TV channel flipping techniques also apply to radio stations. So I listen to 3 or 4 shows at a time. Today's station flipping landed me on the Howard Stern show. They were interviewing the inventor of Take a Whiff. Take a whiff is some sort of herbal pill that you can take. And within 14 days, your poops won't stink. Apparently it has something to do with the type of bacteria in your intestines. He claims that his product eliminates "bad" bacteria and promotes the growth of "good" bacteria.

This leads us to the age old debate - Do you want your poop to stink? Personally, I take pride in the stank. It makes me feel as though I've accomplished something. Your thoughts? Would you take this product?

On a side note - I'm still convinced that if you ate nothing but peanuts for a months, you would poop peanut butter.

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